The hand and the glove – a Romance by Machado de Assis


Machado de Assis is a Brazilian author who lived in Rio de Janeiro (June 21 st, 1839 – September 29th, 1908. “The hand and glove ” is a romantic story written by him and published in 20 serials during the year of 1874 .

The narrative follows the line of an intimate love affair and practical decisions of life, where dreams and aspirations of love and the practicality of life meet each other.

The plot’s center is a young girl named Guiomar. She is very beautiful and lives with her goodmother . Guiomar is dreamy and at the same time have concerns for the future , and therefore seeks to find a man who loves in fact but also aims more than dreams and amorous fantasies, someone who could make her see the future and touch her heart in her present time.

If you like romantic stories, this is a good book. If you already know Machado de Assis’ work and you appreciate it, or if you have not read this book, here is our suggestion.

If you know someone who enjoys a good story and history of the genre , this is an excellent gift .


Overall, however, we greatly appreciate the way as Machado de Assis works with the Portuguese language; his written expression and figures of speech are exquisite and beautiful, with genialities characteristic of this excelent author.

Prehaps you already had the opportunity to make contacty with the work of Machado de Assis in a imposed context, as when schools and courses demand students to read authors like this one, and the students still do not have the maturity or time to grab the contexto and the meaning of what the author writes.

We invite you to try to rediscover this exceptional classic language and Brazilian author. There is an article written by Rodrigo Silva Trindade that is very interesting for anyone wanting to know better the significance of this book by Machado de Assis.

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